The marriage of wood & glass: Floor lamps Blue and Green mission floor lamps Blue and Green mission floor lamps (lit) Spring flowers floor lamp (can you name them?) Spring flowers floor lamp dimmed as night light Mission-style floor lamp with rectangular wooden shade Mission-style floor lamp with square wooden shade After years of working with George, the facilities manager at Camp Stomping Ground, he mentioned he was interested in something to treasure for his new house. I was curious to try my hand at a three sided shade. Of course that needed a three sided base. The green is highly textured antique glass I had from a friend. I was told it would go well with the decor in George's new house. Here is a face on view with all three Edison bulbs lit. In this view you can see the three sided nature of everything. Here it is being delivered to George at camp (along with other deliveries for camp). George's lamp in place.