Professional: Publications
A major part of being an academic at a research university is publishing and I did and if you care you can find a link in the resumé and links page but I also wrote some technical books highlighted here. The Image Chain Approach is available from Oxford here and the Polarimetric book from SPIE here.

In the early 1990s Dr. Phil Slater who had become a friend and mentor told me he was not going to put out a second edition of his excellent book and encouraged me to write one. Not as he pointed out to make any money but because I was young enough to get a good career boost from the visibility it would provide. So in 1993/94 I took a sabbatical, moved the family to the lake and wrote what became "The Image Chain Approach" in 1997

A decade later the first book was getting dated, the field had grown and I'd learned a lot. In 2007 a second edition came out. It was nearly twice the length covering the field in more detail and much of the newer science. It emphasized the science of remote sensing over the applications to forestry, agriculture etc. which was common to most of the other books available at the time. This had become RIT's niche. We focused on training the scientists and engineers who would build the analytical tools and instruments that other scientists would use.

I periodically taught short course for industry and in about 2005 was asked to teach a fairly extensive course on polarimetric remote sensing. I said yes having worked with several doctoral students on the topic and knowing there was a book available to draw on. Well the book wasn't suitable and there is nothing like trying to teach a topic to show you how much you don't know. I ended up spending a great deal of time gathering and organizing the course. When I was done I thought what a waste to have someone else have to go through all this effort down the road. Thus in 2009 a short book came out that still gets a lot of use because there is not much competition.