Windows for the beach
This project involves making four windows for the beach. Each window is made up of two panels that will be framed together to form an upper and lower panel. The lower (larger) panels are largely geometric with a thematic symbol at the top. The upper panels will be solid to start and will eventually be replaced with scenes depicting the seasons. This is a very large project. I hope to complete the 4 lower panels this winter and install the framed windows in the summer with the solid upper panels initially. The first step is to cut over 100 pieces for each lower panel. Here are stacks of cut and ground pieces and some of the templates.
This is the Irish Harp which is the symbol for the Spring window. It is the second one I built but I took better pictures showing the process. At this point the glass for the symbol has been cut and ground and I am test fitting to make sure everything fits well together and inside the design cartoon.
At this point the glass pieces have been foiled (this is a many hour process and my least favorite part of stained glass), the zinc came has been cut and the lower panel assembled and carefully squared up. The panel is roughly 18 by 24 inches and will set into a wooden frame. The upper panel will set into the same frame separated by a cross bar. It is roughly 18 by 10 inches.
This is the back of the panel after soldering. If you look carefully you can see that the two horizontal H came pieces have an extra piece of steel reinforcing bar to prevent sagging over time.
This is the front of the panel after a black patina has been applied. Note the “gold” harp strings. They are made of braided brass that was soldered on top of the glass. Also note the dull finish, particularly on the came and solder but also on the glass. One more step.
After polishing both sides the final panel is ready to be set into its yet to be built frame.
Here are the Ireland (Spring) and the Canada (Autumn) panels (Special thanks to cousin Karen who helped with foiling the first panel after we let her out of Covid quarantine when she visited from Texas). More pictures are in the Glass/Windows pages and more to come as the next panels come together.
This is a little cutoff saw I use to cut the came used to frame and strengthen the windows. It is a bit slow as the blade is barely up to cutting the double walled zinc came. Lubricating the cut with oil helps with the cutting and makes the blade last longer.
This is the winter symbol being tested for fit. In addition to being a tribute to Canada’s French heritage it reminds us of great visits to Quebec and Montreal.
Here is the fleur de lis panel ready for installation. I selected this picture as it shows off the interesting nature of light on glass. The little triangles in all the corners show up white toward the bottom as they do in most light but quite gray toward the top.
This is the Summer symbol, cut and assembled to test for fit.